Study and Validation of workers posture in transformer manufacturing industry through RULA
Sandip B.Wanave, Prof.Manish K.Bhadke, Prof.M.S.Jibhakate
Volume 1: Issue 3, July 2014, pp 184-188
Author's Information
Sandip B.Wanave1
Corresponding Author
11Research Scholar, Mechanical Engineering Department, SVPCET, Nagpur, India
Prof.Manish K.Bhadke, Prof.M.S.Jibhakate2
2Faculty of Automobile Engineering, Rajarambapu Institute of Technology, Islampur, Maharashtra, India
This Study is about the evaluation of the workstation to improve the productivity by reducing the lower back pain, shoulder injury, fatigue etc. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) continue to be a tremendous burden in industry with back injury and shoulder disorders being among the most common and costly disorders because of not having proper workstation. In industrialized countries, upper limb work-related musculoskeletal disorders (UL-WMSDs) are the most common form of occupational diseases. They are generating a growing population of workers with reduced working capacity. The link between these Pathologies and different aspects of work organization has been convincingly proven. Productivity is an important indicator of economic growth and social health. High performance and productivity require the right sitting posture. So for considering this factor operator needs proper seating arrangement such that their problems regarding the MSDs can be reduced & productivity will be increased. It is revealed that the suggested workstation improves working posture and results in reduced postural stress on operators’ bodies and, consequently, reduce prevalence of MSDs symptoms..Index Terms:-
Ergonomics Evaluation, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Workstation Design, UL-WMSDs, RULAREFERENCES
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